There are two types of freckles. They are called, ephelides and the other lentignes. The crucial difference between them is that, ephelides are your normal freckle they appear around Summer time and once Winter comes round they fade. They are usually around the same size of the head of a nail. Where as, lentignes are bigger and much darker and they also don't fade in Winter. Lentignes arise when the skin is also exposed to the sun, they also have more irregular sides to them. They increase in number as you get older.

Image result for person smiling with freckles

Malignant melanoma is skin cancer, it is of a result of skin being over exposed to sunlight and the UV rays have damaged skin cells and therefore cancer forms, a sign of skin cancer is an odd looking, dark spot on the skin with irregular sides. It is so crucial to be able to tell the difference between a malignant melanoma and your normal freckles. If the freckle is new and it looks to be out of place in colour, size, texture then I strongly advice you go to a dermatologists, freckles are cute and all but they can be dangerous that's why it is so important to wear a high factor sun cream, to protect your skin when it is exposed, because that is how you can easily get skin cancer. Say you go to the dermatologist and it turns out the dark spot is nothing it shouldn't put you off going back if you find another dark spot. Doctors are there to help.


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