The old legend has it that the Gods saw the sons of Adam building a tower in Babylon, and they weren't happy about this, so they gave people different languages in the hope to confuse them and also to make the Sons of Adam to forget who they were. The Gaels were from an island up north, on the Atlantic (Ireland), they were given the language Gaeilge. The Gods were aware that the Gaels were unable to see the stars and heavens from their land, so they sprayed the Gaels with dust, so they wouldn't forget about the stars and heavens. The dust was freckles called 'bricinĂ' which is Irish for little stars, the freckles are a map of the universe so that the Gaels would remember the stars and heavens even if they couldn't see them from their home.
According to an Ancient Roman naturalist, Pliny the Elder said that if you were a woman with 'lenticula' which means freckles on the skin. It looked as if you are unclean and impure. If you had freckles you weren't allowed to be involved in magical rites.
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Another old myth is that freckles are an angels kiss, many people believe this is only said to make people feel more confident about their freckles.
My family used to always tell me that freckles are a sign of beauty, which again I think is just a myth that people say to make people feel less insecure about them.
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