Freckles are passed down from parents. If your parents have freckles then you have a high chance of getting them during Summer. The gene, MC1R and the environment controls the size, colour and the pattern. The sun is capable of changing the freckles.

The gene MC1R is associated with causing red hair and freckles. The MC1R lies around the melanocytes on the skin and helps set a balance of pigments in the skin.

If one parent has freckles and the other doesn't then you may have a less chance of such prominent freckles compared to someone who's parents both have freckles. 80% of redheads have MC1R.

From my research there seems to be some sort of debate about who brought the red hair and freckles to Ireland, the Celts or the Viking?
Professor Donna Heddie says that the Vikings were mostly red instead of blond, in terms of hair colour.  She mentioned that if you look where red heads came from it's almost mapped to the Viking's voyages. 
But Jim Wilson disagrees, he says while though the Vikings did contribute to the red head gene, he thinks it's more likely came from the Celts because of the pattern of the redhead gene in the British Isle is more consistent.

The red hair gene, according to experts, it was developed 50,000 years ago. 

And the pale skin part of it is because where the celts and vikings were from they didn't see so much sun so when they did see sun they would absorb vitamin D faster then people who would see the sun more. Therefore they became more sensitive to the sun, contributing an uneven pigmentation ie, freckles.

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